Сообщение для СМИ
24 января таджикским информационным агентством «Авеста» было распространено сообщение заместителя начальника ГУП «Таджикская железная дорога» Усмона Каландарова, в соответствии с которым таджикская сторона обсуждает вопрос об открытии железнодорожного сообщения через Узбекистан в Россию в обход Туркменистана. В связи с этим Министерство иностранных дел Туркменистана выражает крайнее непонимание туркменской стороны подобного рода заявлениями официальных лиц Таджикистана. Основываясь на трад...
A press conference dedicated to the V Asian Games indoors and martial arts held in the Olympic village in Ashgabat
PRESS–RELEASE On January 18, 2017 at the Olympic village in Ashgabat the press conference was organized dedicated to the V Asian Games indoors and martial arts, to be held from 17 to 27 September 2017 at the capital of Turkmenistan. The press conference was organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan, the State Committee of Turkmenistan for Sport, the Executive Committee for the preparation of V Asian Games and the National Olympic Committee of Turkmenistan. The press conf...
Press Release
In connection with the posted content on the official website of the National Iranian Gas Company (NIGC), the following is noted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan. Company’s message has tendentious and biased nature is considered by us as an attempt to mislead all of us, regarding to the debt repayment obligations of the Company to the Turkmen side. In particular, the statements about the alleged violations of the contract from State Concern «Turkmengaz», related to the q...
Press Release
In the last days contradictory information started to circulate in the mass media of Iran and other states concerning Turkmen-Iranian relations in the gas sphere. Some of them allegedly state about “unexpected and inconsistent with bilateral agreement” termination of natural Turkmen gas supplies to Iran as of January 1st 2017. On the contrary, in other publications it is noted that Iran has signed a five year contract with Turkmenistan on the supply of Turkmen gas. In this regard, the Minis...
Туркменский национальный праздник отметили в Берлине
Туркменская дипломатическая миссия в ФРГ провела официальный прием в честь 25-летия независимости Туркменистана. Гостями приема в берлинском «Ритц-Карлтон» стали депутаты германского бундестага, представители федерального правительства, министерств и ведомств, предпринимательских объединений, компаний, средств массовой информации, науки, культуры и искусства, а также аккредитованных в Берлине дипломатических представительств. По установившейся традиции гостями проводимых посольством праздников с...
Implementation of priority positions of Turkmenistan at the 71st session of the UN General Assembly in action
As is known from the start of the 71st session of the United Nations General Assembly, Turkmenistan made a number of priority proposals aimed at promoting peace and stability, the goals and targets for sustainable development. One of the main goals of the priorities of the Turkmen position is a humanitarian direction. Turkmenistan steadily increasing pace of social development, continue multifaceted efforts to ensure human rights and freedoms arising from the fundamental Conventions and other...
The delegation of Turkmenistan completed it’s visit to the UN General Assembly session in New York
On 23 September the delegation of Turkmenistan continued its participation in the events of the high-level week of the 71-st session of the UN General Assembly. One of the highlights of the day was the solemn ceremony of signing by Turkmenistan of the historic Paris Agreement at the United Nations Headquarters. The signing is the first step through which the state expresses its readiness to proceed with the implementation of internal procedures necessary for preparation of agreement ratificati...