20 Dez


The Ashgabat Declaration adopted at the 28th session of the Energy Charter Conference held on 28-29 November 2017 in Ashgabat in the framework of Turkmenistan's chairmanship in the Organization was circulated as the document of the seventy-second session of the General Assembly of the United Nations under the item 19 (i) of the agenda.

20 Dez

The UN General Assembly adopted a resolution "Strengthening the links between all modes of transport in order to achieve the goals of sustainable development"

On December 20, 2017, at the 74th meeting of the 72nd session of the United Nations General Assembly, the resolution "Strengthening the links between all modes of transport to achieve the Sustainable Development goals" submitted by Turkmenistan was unanimously adopted. The co-authors of the resolution were 74 states. The resolution also reaffirmed the commitment to enhancing the role of sustainable transport and mobility in creating jobs, promoting mobility and improving the efficiency of log...

23 Nov

Delegation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan held political consultations in Berlin

On November 22, 2017 political consultations between the ministries of foreign affairs of Turkmenistan and the Federal Republic of Germany were held in Berlin in the building of the Foreign Ministry of Germany. At the meeting, the German delegation was headed by Andreas Peschke, the Çommissioner of the Foreign Ministry of the Federal Republic of Germany for Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia, and the Turkmen delegation was headed by Deputy Foreign Minister of Turkmenistan. In the c...

19 Nov

The Turkmen humanitarian aid was delivered to Iran

In Meshhed the ceremony of transfer of humanitarian cargo directed on behalf of the government and the people of Turkmenistan for the population of area of Sarpol-e-Zahab of province Kermanshah, which suffered from the strongest earthquake of 7,4 points by Richter took place. The cargo delivery - medicines transferred without compensation was carried out by a special motorcade. The total cost of production delivered makes up more than 280 thousand manats. As noted at the corresponding Orde...

18 Nov

Книга президента Туркменистана представлена читателям в Германии

В здании Посольства Туркменистана в ФРГ была проведена презентация книги президента Туркменистана Гурбангулы Бердымухамедова «Туркменистан – сердце Великого Шелкового пути». В акции приняли участие члены различных общественных организаций, представители европейского отделения Гуманитарной ассоциации туркмен мира и туркменской диаспоры, проживающей в Берлине, а также обучающиеся в высших учебных заведениях ФРГ туркменские студенты. В прозвучавших выступлениях было подчеркнуто, что книга поз...

18 Nov

Message for the media

Today, on November 18, 2017, a meeting was held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan in the course of which the results of the 7th Regional Economic Cooperation Conference on Afghanistan (RECCA VII) held in Ashgabat on November 14-15 were summed up, as well as plans to continue the planned work to promote the peaceful development of Afghanistan and build a mutually beneficial regional economic partnership were discussed. As noted, the forum was attended by delegations from 37 co...

17 Nov

The UN General Assembly adopted the resolution "The role of the UN Regional Center for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia"

The United Nations General Assembly adopted on November 17, 2017, the resolution "The Role of the UN Regional Center for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia", submitted by Turkmenistan. 57 countries have co-sponsored the resolution. The resolution welcomes the Center's efforts to strengthen dialogue among the countries of the region in addressing issues of common concern. In the course of introduction of the draft text at the General Assembly meeting, it was stressed that for ten years s...