Internationales Projekt im Naturschutzgebiet Amu Darya gestartet
In der Lebab Provinz in Turkmenistan hat ein Projekt unter dem Titel „Ökosystembasiertes Land- und Waldmanagement zur Verbesserung des Lebensstandards der ländlichen Bevölkerung und als Anpassungsstrategie an den Klimawandel am Unterlauf des Amu Darya“ begonnen. Ziel des Projektes ist ein nachhaltiges Management der Wald- und Landressourcen im Einflussbereich des natürlichen Auwaldregimes des Amu Dayra. Dadurch sollen die Lebensbedingungen und Einkommensmöglichkeiten der lokalen Bevölkerung...
The official visit of the Prime minister of Japan to Turkmenistan
On October 22-24, 2015, the Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe visited Turkmenistan on the first official visit.On October 23 in the morning, the honorary guest proceeded to the palace complex "Oguzkhan" from the residence assigned to him. The motorcade of Japanese Prime Minister was accompanied by an honorary horse escort. Before the main entrance of the palace complex "Oguzkhan" the head of the Japanese government was welcomed by the Turkmen leader. After the official welcoming ceremony, the P...
Turkmenistan became a member state of the IAEA
On September 14, 2015 in Vienna, Austria, member States of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) adopted a resolution on approval of Turkmenistan to the member of the IAEA during the 59th session of the General conference of this Organization. The member States of the IAEA commended Turkmenistan's commitment to principles of non-proliferation of nuclear weapons in the world, including in the region of Central Asia. There was noted the willingness of Turkmenistan as a member of the IAEA,...
President of Turkmenistan arrived to the Republic of Turkey on a working visit
On August 6, 2015 in the afternoon, President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov arrived to the Republic of Turkey on the working visit. At the international airport of Istanbul named after Ataturk, which was decorated with the national flags of the two friendly countries, the Turkmen leader was greeted by the officials of the Government of the Republic of Turkey, as well as by the members of the Turkmen government delegation. From the airport, the motorcade of President of Turkmenistan h...