22 Sept

Сообщение для СМИ

Министерство иностранных дел Туркменистана выразило таджикской стороне свое непонимание в связи с появившимся в средствах массовой информации заявлением Чрезвычайного и Полномочного Посла Республики Таджикистан в Республике Узбекистан господина Имоми Содик Ашурбойзода о том, что Душанбе намерен «отложить до лучших времен» идею строительства железной дороги Туркменистан-Афганистан-Таджикистан. Комментарии туркменской стороны по вышеназванному заявлению таджикского дипломата в официальном поряд...

21 Sept

The XXI Conference of Humanitarian Association of Turkmens of the World was held in the capital of Turkmenistan

On September 19, 2018, the capital of Turkmenistan hosted the XXI Conference of Humanitarian Association of Turkmens of the World. Prior the work of the XXI Conference of the HATW, the participants laid the flowers to the Monument of Independence. After that, the opening ceremony of the forum was held in the conference hall of Mekan Palace. The members of the Government, the Mejlis deputies, representatives of Turkmen diasporas from foreign countries, representatives of political parties a...

20 Sept

President of Turkmenistan will attend the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly

On September 29, 2018, it is expected that the President of Turkmenistan will pay a working visit to New York, USA to attend the 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly. In the course of visit, President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov will deliver a speech from the high rostrum of the session of the UN General Assembly.     Moreover, in accordance with the programme of the President of Turkmenistan, it is expected to hold the top-level meetings.

18 Sept

Peace and security strategy: joining efforts in countering terrorism

Turkmenistan is a competent member of international politics as one of active UN-member states, makes its significant contribution to consolidate international community efforts in countering the threats against humanity, especially terrorism and radicalism. The President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov underlines that, countering terrorism acquires strategic significance on the agenda of multilateral cooperation of Turkmenistan within Community of Nations along with global tasks in en...

13 Sept

«Amul – Hazar 2018» International Rally Raid Starts

On 11th of September, 2018, “Amul – Hazar 2018” rally raid started in the administrative center of Lebap province. On the eve of the competition, the crews underwent administrative checks and technical inspections, reviewed the course and received the race map containing the route list and the map of the area crossed by the rally course. Under the regulations of the rally raid, the parc fermé with restricted access was created in the paddock where the crews brought their vehicles early in the...

10 Sept

A solemn demo for the International rally «Amul-Khazar 2018» will be launched

On September 10, 2018, in the city of Turkmenabad a solemn demo for the International rally «Amul-Khazar 2018» with the participation of President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov will be launched. Besides, on the 11th of September, International rally «Amul-Khazar 2018» which acquired great popularity in the world, will be given official start. As of today, it is expected that approximately 80 crews from more than 20 countries will participate in aforementioned international rall...

4 Sept

The event «Margiana – the kingdom of Bronze Age in the territory of Turkmenistan» was organized in Berlin

On August 31, 2018 the Embassy of Turkmenistan in Federal Republic of Germany with the assistance of Berlin Museum of prehistory and early history organized event called «Margiana – the kingdom of Bronze Age in the territory of Turkmenistan» in the framework of the motto of year 2018 «Turkmenistan - the heart of Great Silk Road». The representatives of Federal Chancellery of the Federal Republic of Germany, Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Federal Ministry of Economy and Energy, the heads...