Turkmenistan continues to provide humanitarian support to the Afghan people


On August 12, 2020, Turkmenistan sent another humanitarian aid to the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in the form of sets of medical equipment to combat the coronavirus pandemic. The corresponding Order was signed by the President of Turkmenistan.

According to the Order, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan are ordered to donate sets of medical equipment for the Real-time PCR to the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan as humanitarian aid.

As is known, Turkmenistan actively participates in international actions aimed at maintaining peace, stability and security in the region. Committed to enduring humanistic ideals, principles of good neighborliness and mutual assistance bequeathed by ancestors, and universal values, Turkmenistan is always ready to lend a helping hand to other states, in particular, brotherly neighboring peoples.

Making an important contribution to the socio-economic development of fraternal Afghanistan through regular comprehensive humanitarian assistance, this humanitarian act has become another vivid example of the inviolability of the traditions of friendship and good neighborliness.