The Climate Action Summit was held in the framework of the 74th session of the United Nations General Assembly


On 23 September 2019, the Climate Action Summit was held in New-York in the framework of the 74th session of the United Nations General Assembly upon the initiative of the United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres.

The member-states’ delegations of different levels who have arrived to New-York to attend the high-level meetings of the 74th session of the UN General Assembly have participated to the abovementioned event. The high-ranking delegation of Turkmenistan has also attended this event.    

The UN Secretary-General A. Guterres who has made an opening address at the event noted that this forum serves as one of the important tools in preventing the vital problem which is faced by the world at present time. He has also underlined the significance of current measures in providing the safe environment to future generations.    

Then the video address of the Pope of Rome to the participants of the event was shown. In the video, it was stated that the countries have special responsibility in preventing the negative impacts of the climate change.

During the event, the young representatives from India, Brazil and Sweden also gave speeches. In their addresses they called the states and governments to listen to the voice of the youth, young entrepreneurs and young scientists in the implementation of their policies. 

Moreover, the high-level state and government representatives of the member-states gave speeches during the event.

In the speeches, the efforts and actions realized by the countries in the framework of the 74th session of the UN General Assembly and pertaining to the prevention of negative results of the climate change that constitute the global agenda were discussed. During the speeches, the implementation of the obligations of the countries participating to the Paris Agreement that was adopted in 2015 in the framework of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change was widely discussed. All speakers expressed their commitment to present safe and green world to future generations.