Preparations to the First Caspian Economic Forum to be held in Turkmenistan continue on high-level


Within the framework of preparations to the First Caspian Economic Forum at high level, the media forum on the First Caspian Economic Forum was held in our capital on the 5th of February 2019, in participation of mass media representatives of the Caspian states.

As is known, relevant arrangements are being carried out from the beginning of the year. With the aim of organizing the First Caspian Economic Forum on high level, the Concept of holding the Forum was designed and affirmed. In accordance with the Concept, special website was designed on the First Caspian Economic Forum that should start functioning on the 18th of February of the current year. The official address of the website is Through this website, participants of the Forum can register online which creates exclusive advantage for those planning to attend the event.

Moreover, special logo was designed for the First Caspian Economic Forum.