Briefing on the events in the framework of the International Year of Peace and Trust held at the MFA of Turkmenistan


On March 10, 2025, a briefing was held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan, which was dedicated to the upcoming international events held by the Government of Turkmenistan jointly with international organizations on the occasion of the announcement of 2025 as the «International Year of Peace and Trust» and the 30th anniversary of Turkmenistan’s permanent neutrality.

The meeting was attended by heads and staff members of diplomatic missions and representative offices of international organizations accredited in Turkmenistan, heads and representatives of national and foreign media.

During the briefing, the participants were informed about the most important international meetings that will take place in March of this year.

Having warmly welcomed the participants, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan Rashid Meredov emphasized that in the context of the practical implementation of the UN General Assembly resolution of March 21, 2024 “International Year of Peace and Trust, 2025”, the first important event was held at the UN headquarters in New York, which was attended by more than 100 representatives.

The State Organizational Committee for High-Level Events on the Occasion of the Declaration of 2025 as the “International Year of Peace and Trust” and the 30th Anniversary of Turkmenistan's Neutrality, established by the Decree of the President of Turkmenistan, approved relevant programs and work plans, one of which is a plan for international events held in Turkmenistan and abroad.

According to this document, during the first two months of this year, 44 meetings, conferences and other events were held in Turkmenistan, foreign countries and at the sites of international organizations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with the assistance of foreign partners. During the briefing, it was reported that an international conference entitled “International Year of Peace and Trust: the Role of Interregional Economic Cooperation in Ensuring Sustainable Development” will be held in Ashgabat on March 19. Representatives of government agencies, international organizations and financial institutions, as well as company executives, have been invited to participate in the conference.

It is planned that the work of this event will focus on such topics as the geopolitical and geoeconomic significance of energy, transport and infrastructure projects in Central and South Asia, the TAPI gas pipeline, the role and importance of the construction of the TAP power transmission line, transport interconnectivity of regions, as well as the participation of financial institutions in the implementation of economic projects in Central and South Asia.

Among the most important events, it was announced that the international conference “Year of Peace and Trust: Development of International Humanitarian Activities” will be held in the city of Arkadag on March 29, organized by the Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Charitable Foundation for Assistance to Children in Need of Guardianship.

State and public structures of foreign countries, representatives of international organizations, their head, regional and country offices responsible for the implementation of humanitarian and social activities are invited to participate in the conference. As noted, the work of the forum will focus on healthcare, medical care, education, educational services for children and adolescents, as well as climate change issues.

R. Meredov also announced the organization of a Ministerial meeting “Central Asia - European Union” in Ashgabat on the eve of the first Summit “Central Asia – EU”. In this regard, the attention of the participants was focused on the importance of the interview of the National Leader of the Turkmen people to the Euronews TV company, where the official position of Turkmenistan on the most important issues of world politics was expressed.

During their comments, the heads of UN agencies and specialized institutions, missions of EU, EBRD, ADB in Turkmenistan, representatives of diplomatic missions of Central Asian countries, Germany, India, Libya, Pakistan, Malaysia and France emphasized the role of Turkmenistan in promoting peace, stability and economic integration. Stating the importance of the upcoming meetings, the participants thanked for the information on major international events that will allow to exchange views on international issues and express their views on important issues of the global and regional agenda.