The VII Turkmen-German Health Forum took place in Berlin


On March 5-6, 2018 the next, VII Turkmen-German health forum was held in Berlin, where the results of bilateral cooperation in the field of practical medicine were discussed and new directions for the future were considered.

Special attention this time was given to the questions of orthopedics, including children's, and physiotherapy. Reports were presented on the state of the given directions of medicine in Turkmenistan and Germany, the preventive activity was highlighted, the modern solutions in orthopedic technology, the features of personnel training and other topics were sounded.

In addition to the exchange of information and discussions, to the program of the working visit of the Turkmen delegation consisting of heads and specialists of state structures and scientific and clinical centers, sanatoriums and clinics, teachers includes visits to the Marzan Trauma Clinic and the Otto Bock Scientific Center for Medical Technology in Berlin.

 The Turkmen-German forum has been held regularly since 2011 within the framework of the Cooperation Agreement between the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan and the Federal Ministry of Health of Germany and its agenda is formed taking into account the current tasks of this field. The decisions taken at such meetings are specifically embodied in various fields of health care. So, the previous, VI forum, was held in November 2016 in Ashgabat and was dedicated to the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases, in particular, with diabetes, oncohematological and endocrinological diseases. An important issue was also resistance to antibiotics.

 The delegate of the forum, the professor from Munich Dr. Klaus Parkhofer said in his interview that "the seven forums that we conducted confirmed that our cooperation is effective in many important areas of public health and medicine. In this connection, I want to express my deep gratitude to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for all-round support of such partnership, attention paid to the development of healthcare in the country and quality medical services corresponding to the best European standards. It is thanks to the policy of the Turkmen leader that your country achieved such impressive results in forming on the basis of the best foreign experience a national model of healthcare, which can serve as a model for many countries".